Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well hello readers. A quick update. It's been a month strong and I still have in the Nubian Twists. I have stuck to the shampoo and conditioning every two weeks because I MUST wash my hair regularly. I LOVE Nubian Twists. I have basically been re-doing them so they can continue to look neat, and it's been working. I will post a very recent pic from either last week or this week since last Saturday's shampoo and deep conditioner. (3 MORE WEEKS UNTIL MY CHOP. I’M NERVOUS, LOL)

Ok, so lets get down to some serious business. How many of you read the ingredients on your products before you purchase them? Please be honest. Now, I will be honest. I hardly use to read the ingredients when purchasing a product, sometimes I did but not as often as I should have. Now, I don't buy ANY product before reading the label, and if the product doesnt have any ingredIents listed, I'M NOT BUYING IT! As I stated before, since the past few month of doing my own research, I've discovered so many things.

Ladies and Gents, you MUST read the ingredients listed on your products before purchasing them. This is very important, and not only for your hair but also for your skin and your children's/baby's skin. Although every single product may contain these ingredients, you can use them at your own risk. If you notice that your hair is constantly breaking, shedding, falling out, getting thinner, is very dry and split or won't grow, you may be using products that contain some of these harmful ingredients, or you may  need to really moisturize your hair/scalp on a regular basis. Again, before purchasing ANY hair/skin product, check the label. I'm not telling you don’tbuy the product of your choice, but just beware of what's it contains and what it does for your hair
In today’s society, certain shampoo’s, conditioners, pomades, moisturizers and treatments guarantee if you use it, the results will be thicker, fuller & longer hair. NOT SO! Certain products will in fact result in making your hair dry, frizzy, heavy and clogged. Every product is not going to do what it says it will do. As you know, hair care and everything that comes along with it is a money making business, like in any other industry. People will produce all types of products, not even considering the fact that some of the toxic ingredients that they’re putting into this hair or skin product may not be beneficial for usage.

Suggestions: Organic products, products that contain natural ingredients or you can do your research and make your own products, which several people have done. (google natural hair care products or ask me for some information if you’d like on some organic and natural hair products) Natural hair products are good for your hair. They don’t contain harmful substances or chemicals. Also, if you do choose to use products containing harmful ingredients, use it in moderation, which is little to none. If you notice the product’s not working for you or it’s harming your hair or even your skin, maybe even your body, STOP USING IT. Note: Usually the first two ingredients in a product is what the product will mostly contains, so beware of this.

In the next blog I will provide you with a list of the said ingredients, substances & chemicals that are said to be harmful to the hair and in most cases the skin and body. Please subscribe/follow my blog and stay updated for more helpful information. Love ya and thanks for reading hunnie bunnies!! lol. Stay tuned!!!!!

3 more weeks until my chop. Did I say...Nervous? lol. Yikes!!

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