Monday, October 11, 2010

Cut It Out!

Hey people! Just a quick update. Last night I couldn't take it anymore. I cut out my weave. I could no longer take the weave pulling my edges, left side of my head and in the back. It pulled so much that my edges are now thinner than usual. I am disappointed by this. On top of that, the little braids that I had on the side, when the African woman who styled my hair did them, she took a thin peice of hair and tied it for the braid to not unravel. I had the roughest time trying to get that crap out of my hair, and in the process cut some of my own hair. (sad face, dissappointed). I am over it though. I know where I am going with my hair and I am ready for whatever I will have to do in order to gain back my thick and healthy hair. I will share most or all of my hair experiences with you because we all learn from our mistakes and experiences. We've been through it all with our hair and I would LOVE for you to also feel free to share your hair experiences with me and the rest of the readers. I will post a few pics to show you the weave experience and why the African's will NOT be caring for my hair anymore when it comes to styles. Unless I can find one that will actually care for my natural hair in the future when I will want a particular style, right now it's a dead issue. It is time for me to TAKE CONTROL of my body and hair and treat it with the most valued respect and beauty. Peace and blessings.

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