Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hair Product Junkie??

Hey beautiful people!!! There are many hair care products that I have used over the years, some of which I recently decided to no longer use. With that being said, there are SO MANY hair care products out there that cater to natural hair. But guess what? Everyone does not have the same textured hair, and what will work for one person may not work for the other. I have a few products, and I definitely don't want to become a hair product junkie. I want to have no more than two main hair care lines that I'll use. Since going on to you tube and viewing several natural hair care videos, I have come across these products, products that I had never heard of of even used:

1. Eco Styler Gel

2. Uncle Funky's Daughter hair magic (and other products)

3. Carol's Daughter products

4. Jane Carter Soultions

5. Herbal Essences (TotallyTwisted Waves and Curls Conditioner & None of your Frizz)

6. Kinky Curly

7. Miss Jesses's Products

8. Karen's Body beautiful (A friend on Facebook told me about these products)

9. Koils by Nature (She's on my FB and youtube I believe)

10. Alikay Naturals

11. Mixed Chicks

There are more that I have heard of but there's just too many to remember. The main point is that each individual uses what works for their hair.

To keep track of what I am doing and what I want, I have developed a hair notebook. I worte down my current hair regimen and what i'm trying to do as far as my regimen. It is still a little shaky but I will get it together soon. However, Today I made a decision on what my main products will soon be. I will finish using my Alikay Naturals hair prodcuts and do one last order, maybe, lol. I want to try Jane Carter Solutions. I want a product to actually stick to, and one that will work for my hair; a product that will be easily accessible, meaning I can just go to the store and pick up what I need. I will try this and see if it will work for my hair. Right now I'm presently using Alikay Naturals, I co-wash with my Herbal Essences, and last week I shampooed and deep conditioned with Carol's Daughter. I don't wanna use too many products all at once but it seems that I am, lol. I co-washed this Monday with the Herbal Essence Totally Twisted Waves and Curls. It smells YUMMY. I noticed after I co-washed, white flake was in my scalp! YIKES!. It was that Eco Styler gel. I'm thinking that was the cause of me spraying my hair with oil before and after I geled it, so maybe you have to use that gel with nothing under or on top of it. Feeling disgusted, I washed that crap out with a tea tree soap I recently brought from Trader Joe's. It stripped ALL of the moisture out of my hair, Uggggg. So I had to co-wash again! Don't worry guys, I will get this regimen right and on track soon. Part of learning is to make mistakes, so I now will ease up on the gel or don't put the gel on top of anything else.

I also must say that I wasn't too crazy about the Carol's Daughter products. I used the Khoret Amen Shampoo with Sea Moss and Khoret Amen Hair Smoothie. It was cool. I did like the way the smell lingered in my hair after the wash and the next day or so after. I could still smell the shampoo and smoothie. Hopefully it did it's job but I just wasn't wowed by it. So I will not be using that on a regular, only if I really want to. You ladies, and gents know that you have your days when you don't want to use a product and then two weeks later you decide you wanna use it again? Am I right or what? Yes. So this is the case with me. I will either post a video or pics in another blog of my products and the other products that are no longer in use. So this is my take on hair products and I would love for you beautiful people to share with me any tips or stories. Also, from time to time, I will put up some questions and would love for my readers and subscribers to comment and participate.

Oh, one last thing, I have really been researching about shea butter and oils such as Castor Oil, Olive Oil and many more. I am VERY excited because soon I will be making my very own hair butter. I love to experiment and of course, I will take you from the beginning to the end. Thanks for reading guys. Peace and Blessings.

Check out my youtube channel and be sure to subscribe. Thanks a million!!!!

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