Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hair Update

Hey beautiful people!!! So I'm updating you on my hair. I FINALLY  took out that weave, thank God, lol. On Wedensday I took out the cornrows and washed my hair. It felt so good to wash and condition my hair. Yayyyy, lol.I used my new products by Carol's Daughter. I will do a video and maybe also list my hair products. For about two weeks I've been in confusion about either doing my BC or continuing to transition. I FINALLY decided to continue to transition and I am happy about this!!!. Below are some pics of what I decided to do to my hair after I took out the cornrows from the weave. That is a hair peice. I call it my fantasy peice because this is the puff that I want, so I will try to reach this goal one day and will update you the whole way. Thanks for reading. Peace and blessings.


  1. Hi Natural Black Beauty, that is a gorgeous hair piece and I can understand aspiring to achieve that curly puff. I know its hard maintaining the two textures so continued good luck on your transition.

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I will continue on this journey and pray it leads me the right way. Peace and blessings to you.
