Sunday, October 10, 2010


Hey Guys!!! I decided to start a blog on my transition from relaxed to natural hair. I must say that I am VERY excited about this. I REALLY REALLY want this. I honestly got sick of relaxers, and I can remember a few times where I put a relaxer in my hair and it didn't come out straight. It was still wavy in my roots. I was like WTH? I WANT STRAIGHT HAIR! lol. It was insane. Then I would go do that every two week wash and set: HEAT HEAT AND MORE HEAT! I loved the results but soon after, ok.....BORING. Ladies, do you know what I mean? So I then resorted to using a super relaxer.  In 2004 or 2005, my hair grew back down my back. I was so excited!!! But of course, I grew bored of my hair and just didn't feel like doing it. I put in kinky twists and it was history after that. Once I took those out, my hair drastically came out. My hair was thin and shorter in the back. I was devastated. Soon after I decided to cut my hair into a short style. Since then, my hair has been basically short. It would grow back then I'd cut it again. Colors, dyes, dreamy crack, looking nice and then not. Styles that were too tight, popping my hair around the edges, it was a mess.

I made a decision recently, my final decision to FINALLY go natural. I had been on youtube since the summer, watching different videos of other sistas transitioning from straight to natural and even doing their BC (BIG CHOP), which means cutting off all of that relaxed hair and gracefully wearing your natural hair out. I watched several videos from one of some ladies BC to 1 year later and OMG. I was amazed at their progress. I really think it also depends on the person and how you CARE for your hair. So, I will take you on my journey. On this blog page I will post more information and specifics about what products I use, will be using and will no longer use. I will also post my hair regimen, plenty of pics, have contests for subscribers and follwers to win some great products (coming soon) and more. Please stay tuned and also please subscribe to my youtube page. All comments and feedback are welcomed. Let's enlighten each other. We are all women so lets love and support each other. Peace and blessings.

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